BIOTICA Ecological Society


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About the company

BIOTICA Ecological Society has been registered as a national NGO on April 2, 1993. Since then, more than 45 projects were successfully implemented mainly with the support of foreign and international funds.

As Moldovan legislation clearly distinguishes those NGOs that are working in public benefit areas without any involvement in electoral campaigns, BIOTICA has officially received such public benefit status, therefore possessing a State Public Benefit Organization Certificate. There are 30 members in BIOTICA (11 are PhDs and 2 is ScD).

BIOTICA has three main areas of activity:

  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Development of «third sector»
  • Environmental Law and Policy

Nistrul de jos website

Este cea mai bio-diversă zonă umedă de importanță internațională din Republica Moldova, cu 200 specii de păsări, 83 specii de pești și 1000 specii de plante. Situată ...
  • Development: 07.2021 - 08.2021